Above The Noise
A podcast at the intersection of faith, race, and reconciliation. People of faith should be leaders of reconciliation however historically issues of race and culture seem to get in the way of rising above differences to find common ground through reconciliation. We discuss those challenges and sometimes we may also stray onto different topics but we'll always come back to reconciliation.
Above The Noise
44. Miracle Man: Darryl Burton Pt.1
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Darryl Burton, formerly Inmate 153063, is a walking miracle. Once wrongfully incarcerated for murder, he spent 24 years of a 75 sentence fighting to prove his innocence. Darryl is an example of the many people, mostly poor and people of color, who are wrongfully imprisoned by a flawed justice system that sometimes seeks simple answers and easy convictions. In the process of seeking justice, he encounter Jesus Christ and was released from his anger before he was able to walk free from the penitentiary. Darryl is also an ordained minister.
In Part 1 of this 2-part series, we discuss his journey from childhood, to prison and eventual exoneration. In Part 2, we will discuss how his new freedom is helping others who are wrongly accused and convicted find their freedom through his Miracle of Innocence non-profit.
Be aware that this episode contains descriptions of violence that some may find disturbing.
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Podcast art by Mario Christie.